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IdenTrust Certification Authority (CA) issues X.509 v3 digital certificates that can be retrieved on software (Browser based) or on hardware devices FIPS 140-2 L2+ compliant. Our digital certificate offerings include document/email signing/encryption and device security via SSL/TLS certificates and are known to be compatible in the following environments:

Desktop Web Browsers

  • Microsoft® Edge
  • Google® Chrome
  • Mozilla® Firefox >= 97
  • Apple® Safari on iOS >= 16

Email Clients

  • Microsoft Outlook®  (Not on Mac)
  • Microsoft Outlook Express®
  • Apple Mail®
  • Eudora®
  • Mozilla Thunderbird®
  • Mozilla Sea Monkey®
  • RIM Blackberry Mail®

Server Platforms

  • Apache Tomcat
  • Java 7 >= v7u11
  • Java 8> v8u101
  • IBM® HTTP Server
  • Microsoft® IIS
  • Microsoft® ISA
  • Microsoft® SQL Server 2005
  • Novell® WebServer
  • OpenLDAP Server
  • Oracle® HTPP Server

Mobile Web Browsers

  • Android OS >= 14
  • Google® Chrome >= 105
  • Mozilla® Firefox >= 97
  • iOS >= 16
  • Microsoft® Edge
  • macOS >= 13

Operating Systems

  • Access
  • Android
  • Blackberry® OS
  • Chrome OS
  • Microsoft®  Windows v7 & newer
  • Mac OS/iOS
  • Mac OS X


  • Adobe® Acrobat >= v9
  • Adobe® Reader >= v9
  • Microsoft® Office 
  • Open/Libre Office®

















Certificate Software DeliveryMicrosoft® EdgeGoogle® ChromeMozilla® FirefoxAndroidApple® OS / iOS
Certificate Download and ActivationXXX X


Certificate Hardware DeliveryHID USB TokenHID Smart Card
Certificate Download and Activation             X             X
Due to FIPS 140-2 security, private key export is NOT allowed from these hardware devices

Feel free to contact our Helpful Support Team, in case you have questions about our CA Certificate compatibility.