Providing enhanced security for an electronic world

Two-factor authentication replaces traditional user name and password with strong identity-based authentication.
Two-factor authentication is defined as using something that you have in combination with something that you know in order to gain physical or logical access to something. When using identity-based digital certificates for two-factor authentication, the certificate is stored on a hardware device (i.e., smart card or USB token), which is password protected.
- The first factor is the hardware password that only you should know. This password is used to access the certificate that is stored on your hardware device.
- The second factor is your digital certificate stored on hardware and of which only you should have possession.
When these two factors are used in combination, two-factor authentication is achieved.
Use IdenTrust identity-based certificates for two-factor authentication used for online banking.
Learn more about Two-Factor Authentication
To speak with an IdenTrust team member about solutions to protect security and privacy for online banking, please contact us at [email protected] or call 1 (866) 763-3346