What is the process to obtain a digital certificate?
The application process for a digital certificate is generally a 4-step process.
1. Apply for Your Certificate
- Use the My Buying Community menu or the Certificates menu to select the category that is most comparable to your situation. Here you can learn more about the types of certificates that are offered under these programs.
- Once you are ready to initiate a purchase, you can select any BUY button to launch our Certificate Selection Wizard. The wizard will assist you in selecting the certificate that is appropriate to your situation.
- Verify your selections in your "shopping cart" and submit using the BUY NOW button.
- You will be directed to the "checkout" process where you will provide your personal information and provide payment information.
Note: You will also be asked to enter a Password when you apply. Please record this Password and store it in a secure place. You will need this Password to retrieve your digital certificate.
Notary Form: In addition to the online application, some certificate applications require that you complete a notary form and submit it to IdenTrust. If required, the form will be provided for you to download at the end of the online application process.
2. Certificate Application Processing
Your application will undergo the approval process which can include authenticating identity information, authenticating paperwork, verifying organization information, and verifying organization affiliation.
3. Receive Your Approval Notification
Once approved, you will receive notification from IdenTrust. The method will vary based on the type of certificate you have purchased:
- Notification with with the activation code will be emailed to the verified email listed during registration.
- In cases where you have purchased a hardware device for certificate storage, such as a Smart Card, USB token, then you will also receive a kit containing the purchased hardware and software.
4. Retrieve Your Certificate:
Follow the instructions in the approval notification, which will include:
- Retrieval and installation of your certificate via the secure IdenTrust website.
- Installation of storage hardware and software, if applicable.
- Testing your certificate.