Partner Bio
eNotary On Call Inc. is a centralized system that helps customers interact with notaries and get documents notarized remotely within minutes. With an efficient and seamless navigation system, the platform also ensures proper security protocols are in place. The customer and notary public can be miles apart and get the documents digitally notarized legally without meeting in person.
Compared to the in-person manual notarization techniques, eNotary On Call Inc. takes the lead to help minimize the fraud with the help of well-established identity proofing technologies and knowledge-based authentication.
Starting from Knowledge-Based Authentication, Identity Verification, and Document Verification, all the processes are managed remotely through any smart device, laptop, desktop, or tablet. Once the information checks out, the customer is allowed to connect with their preferred notary public or let the system appoint a notary public instantly.
The notarization session happens over a live video call for visual confirmation. The verification process is also authenticated through imaging technology to validate the customers' uploaded documents. eNotary On Call Inc. is integrated with a digital signature system allowing the user to sign the documents easily from anywhere in the world using the web app. It also involves real-time identity verification through the customer's ID before the notary public continues with the notarization. Similar to the in-person notarization, the notary public confirms the identity, signs the documents, stamps them, and completes the notarization process.
Audit trails such as video call recording, documents, information, chats, and any other data shared during the session are saved on a remote online Cloud server accessible at any point in time. This audit trail is securely saved for up to 10 years for both parties.
This end-to-end encrypted platform also hosts a myriad of benefits for the notary public other than significantly increasing income sources.
eNotary On Call Inc. services are currently available only for the state of Florida. Furthermore, a document remotely notarized in Florida is valid across state lines due to the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the United States Constitution in addition to the state laws.
eNotary On Call Inc has partnered with industry leader IdenTrust to provide you with the necessary certificate to carry out your notarizing process.
Choosing Your Certificate
A notary public intending to work with eNotary On Call Inc. is required to have and use an identity-based digital certificate to digitally sign and seal each notarized document. Once a digital signature is applied, the electronic document is encrypted so that it cannot be modified; thereby protecting against digital tampering and creating a non-repudiable legally binding document, in which relying parties can trust.
Simply select "BUY NOW " and the IdenTrust Certificate Selection Wizard will assist you in choosing a certificate that is accepted by eNotary On Call Inc. to meet your business needs. Your digital certificate can also be used to secure your email communications through digital signing and encryption.
Applications for Basic Assurance certificates use an automated process that usually takes 24-48 hours. It may also take as little as a few hours.
Other Resources
Learn more about eNotaries
Special Instructions
For registering as a Notary Public with eNotary On Call Inc., please visit https://notary.enotaryoncall.com/
For more information about eNotary On Call Inc. & its features, please visit https://enotaryoncall.com/
Please, check all educational materials at eNotary On Call Inc.
Important Information
In the case where hardware is issued, ONLY THE SUBSCRIBER OF THE CERTIFICATE SHOULD HAVE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THEIR TOKEN – In all cases, THE DIGITAL CERTIFICATE IS YOUR FORM OF IDENTIFICATION, SIMILAR TO YOUR PASSPORT OR DRIVER’S LICENSE. Under the IGC Certificate Policy, it is our responsibility as an Authorized Certification Authority to revoke the certificate in a case of hardware loss or disclosure or compromise of the private key or any certificate related password to anyone other than the subscriber.