Partner Bio
The Florida Engineering Society (FES) is now utilizing PKI based digital signatures for signing and sealing electronically produced plan sets and other documents requiring professional signature.
Laws & Rules set by the Florida Board of Professional Engineers in Florida Statutes 471 and as implemented in Florida Administrative Code 61G15-23 allow Florida Professionally Registered Engineers to use digital signature for signing and sealing documents that are delivered electronically.
- IdenTrust digital certificates are NIST Level 3 assurance for verifying your identity.
- IdenTrust digital certificates can support images of signatures or seals and instructions are included under "Related Content" on the right side of this page.
- IdenTrust digital certificates can be applied using PDF software (purchased separately).
IdenTrust has been providing certificates to support government applications for over 10 years. Customers have provided written and verbal feedback on their high level of satisfaction based on our superb customer service.
The digital certificates can be purchased from IdenTrust Services, LLC using the links below. All licensed Professional Engineers can purchase the digital certificates from IdenTrust. Signatories may utilize Adobe Acrobat 9 (or newer), Bluebeam 10 (or newer), or other equivalent software as the signing solution to place the seal and digital signature in PDF files and recommend consultants use the same for consistent, predictable, and repeatable (CPR) results.
Choosing Your Certificate
IGC Certificates
- For your convenience, IGC | Medium Assurance | Business Identity and IGC | Medium Assurance | Individual Identity certificates can be purchased with or without a storage device (Smart card or USB token) according to your preference.
- IGC | Medium Assurance | Business Identity requires that the applicant provide proof of identity and proof of organization affiliation.
Simply select BUY NOW and the IdenTrust Certificate Selection Wizard will assist you in choosing a certificate that meet your business needs.
Other Resources
Learn more about IGC Certificates:
- IGC | Medium Assurance | Business Identity | Hardware Storage
- IGC | Medium Assurance | Business Identity | Software Storage
- IGC | Medium Assurance | Individual Identity | Hardware Storage
- IGC | Medium Assurance | Individual Identity | Software Storage
Special Instructions
If purchasing a large volume of digital certificates for your company, please contact [email protected] as further discounts may apply.
This website and link is for purchasing a digital seal/certificate only. For physical stamps/seals, please visit our ONLINE STORE to review purchasing options.
Important Information
Please note: ONLY THE SUBSCRIBER OF THE CERTIFICATE SHOULD HAVE EXCLUSIVE USE - THE DIGITAL CERTIFICATE IS YOUR FORM OF IDENTIFICATION, SIMILAR TO YOUR PASSPORT OR DRIVERS LICENSE. Under the Certificate Policies governing the issuance and use of certificates offered by IdenTrust, it is our responsibility as an Authorized Certification Authority to revoke the certificate in a case of loss or disclosure of the private key (Password) to anyone other than the subscriber.