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DoD ECA Programs
Please Click Below to Select Federal Program(s)
DoD DMEA (Department of Defense Microelectronics Activity)
My Federal Program is not Listed
AccessLM (Lockheed Martin)
AFWAY (Air Force Way)
Air Force Portal
AKO (Army Knowledge Online)
APLITS (Approved Products List Integrating Tracking Systems)
CANES (Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services)
CAV AF (Commercial Asset Visibility Air Force)
CDMD-OA (Configuration Data Managers Database - Open Architecture)
CERDEC (Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center)
COR (Central Office of Record) Support (COMSEC)
CPARS CCASS (Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System)
DCARC-CADE (Defense Cost and Resource Center/Cost Assessment Data Enterprise)
DCMA eTools (Defense Contract Management Agency)
DCSA (Defense CounterIntelligence & Security Agency), included are NBIS, DCII, DISS, NISS, STEPP, SWFT
DDTC (Directorate of Defense Trade Controls)
DECCS (Defense Export Control and Compliance System)
DIB CA (Defense Industrial Base Cybersecurity Program)
DIB CIR (Defense Industrial Base Cyber Incident Reporting)
DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency)
DITCO (Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization)
DLA SBIP (Defense Logistics Agency Small Business Innovation Program)
DLA TS (Defense Logistics Agency Transaction Services)
DLA VIM (Defense Logistics Agency Virtual Item Manager)
DoD Cyber Security Reporting
DoD DMEA (Department of Defense Microelectronics Activity)
DoD EMALL (Department of Defense EMALL)
DoD FEDMALL (Department of Defense FEDMALL)
DoD M&S Catalog (Modeling and Simulation)
DSCP (Defense Supply Center Philadelphia)
DTCI (Defense Transportation Coordination Initiative)
DTIC (Defense Technical Information Center)
DTSA (Defense Technology Security Administration)
EasyDPS (Defense Personal Property System)
eMASS (Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service)
ERPIMS (Environmental Resources Program Info Management System)
FMD (Fuels Manager Defense)
FVS Embassy 3.0
IDEAS (Integrated Defense Enterprise Acquisition System)
ISFD (Industrial Security Facilities Database)
JACKS (Joint Acquisition CBRN Knowledge System)
LMMFC (Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control)
MAF LOG C2 (Mobility Air Force Logistics Command and Control)
MAISR (Multi Aerial Sensor Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance)
MEARS (Multi-User Engineering Change Proposal Automated Review System)
MIS (Maintenance Information System) WebG081
MPO (Maryland Procurement Office)
NAVAIR (Naval Air Systems Command)
NAVFAC (Naval Facilities Engineering Command)
NCMS (National Classification Management Society)
NGA (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency)
Northrop Grumman
Norway Access
OBMS (ODAA Business Management System)
Patriot Program
PDREP (Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program)
PPIRS (Past Performance Information Retrieval System)
RogueONE (R1)
SBUC (Securing Sensitive But Unclassified Data)
SCRA (Servicemembers Civil Relief Act)
SDDC Electronic Transportation Acquisitions (ETA) Program (TEAMS)
SILC (Supportability Integrated Logistics Capability)
SPAWAR (Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command)
SPIDERS (Support Planning Integrated Data Enterprise Readiness System)
SPOT (Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker)
TAMMS-A (The Army Maintenance Management System - Aviation)
TAXII (Trust Automated eXchange of Indicator Information)
VIM (Virtual Item Manager)
WARP (Worldwide Ammunition Repository Program)
WAWF (Wide Area Work Flow)
WSSCT (USMC Warranty & Services Support Claims Tool)
My Federal Program is not Listed
AccessLM (Lockheed Martin)
AFWAY (Air Force Way)
Air Force Portal
AKO (Army Knowledge Online)
APLITS (Approved Products List Integrating Tracking Systems)
CANES (Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services)
CAV AF (Commercial Asset Visibility Air Force)
CDMD-OA (Configuration Data Managers Database - Open Architecture)
CERDEC (Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center)
COR (Central Office of Record) Support (COMSEC)
CPARS CCASS (Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System)
DCARC-CADE (Defense Cost and Resource Center/Cost Assessment Data Enterprise)
DCMA eTools (Defense Contract Management Agency)
DCSA (Defense CounterIntelligence & Security Agency), included are NBIS, DCII, DISS, NISS, STEPP, SWFT
DDTC (Directorate of Defense Trade Controls)
DECCS (Defense Export Control and Compliance System)
DIB CA (Defense Industrial Base Cybersecurity Program)
DIB CIR (Defense Industrial Base Cyber Incident Reporting)
DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency)
DITCO (Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization)
DLA SBIP (Defense Logistics Agency Small Business Innovation Program)
DLA TS (Defense Logistics Agency Transaction Services)
DLA VIM (Defense Logistics Agency Virtual Item Manager)
DoD Cyber Security Reporting
DoD DMEA (Department of Defense Microelectronics Activity)
DoD EMALL (Department of Defense EMALL)
DoD FEDMALL (Department of Defense FEDMALL)
DoD M&S Catalog (Modeling and Simulation)
DSCP (Defense Supply Center Philadelphia)
DTCI (Defense Transportation Coordination Initiative)
DTIC (Defense Technical Information Center)
DTSA (Defense Technology Security Administration)
EasyDPS (Defense Personal Property System)
eMASS (Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service)
ERPIMS (Environmental Resources Program Info Management System)
FMD (Fuels Manager Defense)
FVS Embassy 3.0
IDEAS (Integrated Defense Enterprise Acquisition System)
ISFD (Industrial Security Facilities Database)
JACKS (Joint Acquisition CBRN Knowledge System)
LMMFC (Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control)
MAF LOG C2 (Mobility Air Force Logistics Command and Control)
MAISR (Multi Aerial Sensor Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance)
MEARS (Multi-User Engineering Change Proposal Automated Review System)
MIS (Maintenance Information System) WebG081
MPO (Maryland Procurement Office)
NAVAIR (Naval Air Systems Command)
NAVFAC (Naval Facilities Engineering Command)
NCMS (National Classification Management Society)
NGA (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency)
Northrop Grumman
Norway Access
OBMS (ODAA Business Management System)
Patriot Program
PDREP (Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program)
PPIRS (Past Performance Information Retrieval System)
RogueONE (R1)
SBUC (Securing Sensitive But Unclassified Data)
SCRA (Servicemembers Civil Relief Act)
SDDC Electronic Transportation Acquisitions (ETA) Program (TEAMS)
SILC (Supportability Integrated Logistics Capability)
SPAWAR (Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command)
SPIDERS (Support Planning Integrated Data Enterprise Readiness System)
SPOT (Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker)
TAMMS-A (The Army Maintenance Management System - Aviation)
TAXII (Trust Automated eXchange of Indicator Information)
VIM (Virtual Item Manager)
WARP (Worldwide Ammunition Repository Program)
WAWF (Wide Area Work Flow)
WSSCT (USMC Warranty & Services Support Claims Tool)
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ECA Medium Token Assurance | Hardware Storage
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1 Year
1 Year $201.00
2 Years
SAVE 10%
2 Years $362.00 (A Savings of 10%)!
3 Years
SAVE 20%
3 Years $483.00 (A Savings of 20%)!
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HID Smart Card
HID Smart Card-$74.00
HID Smart Card with reader
HID Smart Card with reader -$96.00
HID USB Token -$96.00
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DoD DMEA (Department of Defense Microelectronics Activity)
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